Thursday, October 22, 2009

'Tis the ....season

I've been sick. Getting better and will post again soon.


Purple Fuzzy Mittens said...

Me too, except the feeling better part. Glad to hear you are coming out the other side!

Laura said...

Darn - sorry to hear that... Hope you're better in time to co-pilot with Mim!!

Started raining here, and of course, I'm not ready!!

Hang in there - lots of Honey/Lemon tea - you can add the alcohol of choice.

Sharon said...

I've just had allergies and almost wish I felt bad because I'm sick because then I would get well. I'm seeing lots of folks are commenting about being sick. It's a little scary. Wishing you a speedy recovery~

Dori Ann said...

Me too :( But I have bounced back pretty quickly compared to most everything else this year!
Hope you are feeling better soon!